AuKing Mining Limited (ASX: AKN, AuKing) is pleased to advise that, together with local Saudi Arabian partner, Barg Alsaman Mining…
Description The securities of Metal Hawk Limited (‘MHK’) will be placed in trading halt at the request of MHK, pending…
International Graphite Limited (ASX: IG6) has secured funding to construct the first purpose- built commercial graphite micronising plant in Australia.…
Many Peaks Minerals Limited (ASX:MPK) (Many Peaks or the Company) is pleased to announce that exploration activities have commenced at…
Warrego East Drilling Permitted as Takeover Action Underlines Prospectivity of Tennant Creek Mineral Field
Metals Australia Ltd (ASX: MLS) (“the Company”) is pleased to announce that its Mine Management Plan for the upcoming field…
Zodiac Gold Inc. (TSXV: ZAU) (‘Zodiac Gold’ or the ‘Company’), a West-African gold exploration company, ‘) is pleased to announce…
Investor Insight With a focused exploration strategy aimed at expanding its 2024 inferred resource and increasing its precious metals ratio,…
HIGHLIGHTS 14.7 g/t gold (‘Au’) over 59 metres (‘m’), or 868-gram-metres gold, from 96m downhole, including 22.4 g/t Au over…
The BRICS nations, originally composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are looking to establish a new reserve…
Freegold Intersects 3.62 g/t Au over 42 metres and 1.23 g/t Au over 170.7 metres at Golden Summit
GS2421 Higher grade continuity intersecting one of highest and broadest intercepts in the eastern section of the resource. 115.5 metres…